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My eclectic collection of web sites operate under the domains:,, and Various links may move you from one of our domains to another. If the active domain name isn't displayed at the top of our navigation bar (located to your left), you can always look at your browser's status bar to find out which of our sites you're currently visiting. The sites have multiple pages on a variety of topics.

Feel free to visit any of the individual pages using the complete list of links below or using the navigation bar to the left. You'll find most pages have a similar navigation bar to the left so you can move around the site with ease and consistency. On some longer pages, there will be inter-page links in the sidebar.

There are many pages on this site that are not listed in the navigation bar. You'll find that each page you load may have localised links to additional pages within the text itself or in the navigation bar. Links to external sites will always load in their own window. Links within our sites may open in their own window or in the current window.

Read our site-wide privacy policy that governs all of our domains if you're curious. Your personal information is safe here. Ethics come first.

If you see this icon External it means there is an external link off our family of sites.


Visit my web log (Blog) "The Quagmire"


Select a destination page on this site, and click "GO THERE"


Special Links of Note:

Here are a few special places you really should check out. The whole site is full of links to just about everything, but here are some organizations I feel are worth special notice. Make some time. Check them out.

Seti@Home: The best collaborative computing project ever. Join Our Team!

Get Firefox
Get Firefox and take back the web! Faster, safer, better. A half billion downloads as of February 2008, and counting.

Eric's Favourite Charity
The Robin Hood Fund. My favourite charity

Photon.Net -- The BEST Nationwide Dial-Up for all your hosting and domain needs.

This page last updated 21 March 2010 and was created 8 September 1998.