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This privacy policy is for our web site only and does not apply to anything except this specific website.

Information gathered at this site is not used except internally for statistical purposes. We do not use cookies at this site. Any information you supply will be used only by us and only for statistical purposes. It will not be sold, rented, traded, leased, or shared with any party. We are committed to respecting your privacy.

What is kept? When you sign on the following information may be recorded depending on what information is provided at the time of connection: your home ISP's name, your country of origin, your browser type, your computer type, your operating system, current date and time, connection speed, and the referring site.When you visit our site your IP address (the Internet address of your computer) is logged to track your session. This is automatically recognised by the Web server and is only used for system administration and to provide statistics, which we use to evaluate use of the site. We do not link your IP address to anything personally identifiable to you and therefore you remain anonymous.

Persons who supply us with their e-mail addresses may receive e-mail contact from us with information regarding their request. Such addresses are subsequently deleted after a short period of time.

This information is tabulated into a summary report by WebTrends™ (or some other statistical tracker) once per day and again at the end of the week. The original data is deleted once the weekly report is generated. We also use Google Analytics to compile data about what pages are used and how long they are viewed and what page you go to next; this data is not associated with an IP address except to see what country you're visiting from. Other tracking software we have installed may be used to monitor your useage of our server to make sure you're legally allowed to do so, and your IP address is associated with this.

Why do we get this information? For instance, we like to know we had 400 Macintosh users and most them used Firefox. It helps us make sure our pages work well for all of our users. We can see what pages are popular, and what pages might need work.

We will never sell, trade, exchange or otherwise use your information. Period. End of sentence. Of course, if you e-mail us with an inquiry, we'll use this information to assist in our reply. We do not archive, offer for sale or rent any information collected. You may contact us by e-mail if you have any questions regarding this policy.

Our official policy is: spammers are scumbags and deserve to die slow, painful deaths without any mercy whatsoever. They deserve to be forced to use Microsoft products for eternity and listen to elevator music while burning in purgatory. Then, even worse things should be done to them.

Disclaimer: there are many links to sites not affiliated with this one. Other links within this site to other websites are not covered by this policy. Once you leave this site, your privacy is no longer in our control. It's in your control and therefore it's your responsibility to decide what to do.This policy is subject to change without notice and any revisions will be posted at this address.

If you want to advertise on our site, or want to know the rules our advertisers have to play by, that's here.


This page last updated 3 July 2008 and was created 2 August 1999.