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Pictures Of Eric
ABOVE: May 3rd, 2001. That's me in a tuxedo. The first time I've ever
wore one. Hopefully the last. I ever so despise getting dressed in formal-wear.

ABOVE: This is me pretending to pose (Summer 1994).

ABOVE: This is me giving an ice skating lesson to someone.
This was my first pair of skates. They've been replaced twice since then.
(Spring 1995).
BELOW: This is me all "Panthered" out (Winter

ABOVE: This is me (right) and my friend Tom (left) at the NHL FANtasy
exhibit on 24 January 1999 at Tampa Bay, Florida during the NHL All-Star
Weekend. The silver object in the middle is Lord Stanley's Cup -- yeah,
the REAL one. Tom's wearing a John LeClair jersey and I brought my Stanley
Cup Finals John Vanbiesbrouck jersey out of retirement for this special
event. After this we went to the All-Star game which was a special treat.

ABOVE: This is me in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in late 1971 or early
1972 wearing snow boots because it's winter. Notice that I am holding
my very first hockey stick. I wouldn't hold another one until 1995.
at National Car Rental Center on season ticket holder
appreciation day. This is a picture of me and a Florida
Panther. The cat is clearly distracted much like his
namesake hockey players have been lately.
This is another picture also take 4 March 2001. I love all felines,
and this one is no exception. It is about 6 months old, very playful,
and adorably cute. As an aside, when I returned home after playing with
this cat, my own cat took one sniff of my hand and proceeded to maul
me for the traitor I was. Clearly she was threatened by the smell of
her larger cousin. Aside from the blood, shredded flesh, and shock,
it was cute, in a pain-filled sort-of way.
at National Car Rental Center at the Islanders vs NHL All-Star game.
I met legend Guy Lafleur (and many other famous players as well). I
also got to see and touch a real Stanley Cup Ring. Pretty impressive
piece of hardware. I got close to 30 autographs of some of the most
legendary players to ever step on the ice, and representing a mind staggering
collection of Hockey Hall of Famers. Special thanks to my friend Stanley
Satz for taking me to this game.
3-15-01 at National Car Rental Center at the Islanders vs NHL All-Star
game. I met legend Mike Bossy (and many other famous players as well).
If you look over my shoulder, you will see another legend. One of the
most amazing nights of my life.
LEFT: This is Darcy
Hordichuk of the Florida Panthers. He's on the phone with, of all people,
me. The Panthers have also posted this picture on their website. It was
taken 6-11-03 when the Panthers had some players call season ticket holders
and urge them to renew.